2014年3月14日 星期五





法官又指出,協助Moon Ocean競投涉案土地的東基公司,並無任何相關顧問工作文件呈交法庭,是「難以置信」,續指大劉作為富經驗的商人,向Moon Ocean貸款兩億元,卻無即時獲得該公司股權,直至該公司獲得涉案土地後才收購該公司,整個過程不合理,法庭對此「好有懷疑」,種種證據迹象反映,實際對涉案土地有興趣者是劉鑾雄。
同時,在歐文龍「友好手冊」中,有寫上「劉鑾雄」或「大劉」名字,法官指,「商界中人都好清楚,大劉係劉鑾雄嘅別名」,手冊中未載有羅傑承的名字,證明羅只是中間人。法官稱根據證人供詞,涉案土地競投由澳門政府決定,由歐挑選參與競投公司,雖獲邀投標者不符要求,但最終涉案土地判給剛成立的Moon Ocean,反映整個批地過程由歐操控。初級法院合議庭三名法官經商議裁定劉及羅兩項罪名成立,首項行賄罪各判兩年九個月;第二項洗黑錢罪各判四年,量刑後劉及羅各判監禁五年三個月。






‧所有證據、證供認定羅傑承無任何意願參與涉案土地項目,唯一證明只有羅組成的Moon Ocean公司,這公司其後被劉鑾雄收購,羅只是中間人
‧涉案土地批給過程由澳門政府決定,並由歐文龍選出可參與競投的公司,獲邀投標者卻不符合要求,最後批給Moon Ocean,據法庭經驗,整個土地競投由歐一手操控
‧無任何有關協助Moon Ocean競投土地提供顧問的東基公司的顧問工作文件,是難以置信
‧雖然羅傑承持有的Moon Ocean曾制訂涉案土地的初步研究報告,但實際是由劉鑾雄全權操控
‧劉鑾雄是富經驗的商人,為何向Moon Ocean借貸兩億元,卻無立即獲取該公司股權,而是在該公司取得涉案土地後,才收購該公司,過程不合理,種種迹象反映對涉案土地有興趣者是劉鑾雄
Joseph Lau Luen-hung, Steven Lo Kit-shing sentenced to jail for land deal

Billionaire Hong Kong property tycoon Joseph Lau Luen-hung has been handed a jail term of five years and three months by a Macau court for his part in a bribes-for-land racket involving the most corrupt public official ever brought to justice in the history of the former Portuguese enclave.
Chinese Estates Holdings chairman, Lau, 62, and his high-profile business partner Steven Lo Kit-shing were yesterday found guilty of corruption and money laundering for paying a HK$20 million bribe to disgraced ex-public works chief Ao Man-long, who was jailed for 29 years in May 2012.
Both men were given the same jail term despite Judge Mario Augusto Silvestre saying that Lau had played a more significant "planning'' role in the bribery scheme. Lawyers for the pair said they would appeal.
Neither Lau, who is worth US$8.4 billion according to the Forbes rich list, nor Lo, the multi-millionaire boss of top Hong Kong soccer team South China, were in Macau's Court of First Instance to hear the verdict. They are unlikely to spend any time behind bars because Macau does not have an extradition treaty with Hong Kong.
After a two-year trial punctuated by delays, sickness and an unprecedented change of judge, Lau and Lo were found guilty of offering a bribe to Ao in return for five plots of prime land over-looking one of the world's most lucrative stretches of land - Macau's glitzy Cotai Strip - for a luxury housing development, La Scala.
Judge Augusto Silvestre - who replaced original trial judge Alice Costa, who fell sick shortly after the trail opened - said it was Lau's idea to buy the land, describing Lo as "merely a middleman".
In a closed bid for the land near Macau airport in June 2005, Jones Lang LaSalle, representing Lo's Moon Ocean, bought the land for HK$1.37 billion. Lau bought 70 per cent of the company in December 2005, acquiring the remaining 30 per cent in March 2011.
The judge said it was suspicious that Lau signed an option agreement with Moon Ocean and offered a HK$250million loan to it soon after the company was established. Lau did not exercise the option but bought the majority of Moon Ocean shares six months after it won the bid.
The court earlier heard that Lau and Lo hired architecture firm Hsin Yieh to prepare designs for the land before the tender was public knowledge.
"Although Lo did hire Hsin Yieh for a rough study of the land, it was in fact Lau who came up with the plan," the judge said, adding: "Lo acted merely as a middleman to help [Lau] to seal the deal between him and Ao."
Lo's Eastern Base signed a HK$20 million contract to provide consultation services for Moon Oean, but the judge also said it was "difficult to believe" actual service was provided. The court was told the sum eventually ended up in a company controlled by Ao.
Lo's lawyer, Jorge Neto Valente, said Lo was "upset" at the verdict and was not in court because a doctor had advised him to get some rest.
Lau was also absent, like he has been for most of the proceedings due to illness.
Six other defendants in the case were found guilty and jailed for corruption or money laundering. They were also not in court.


