2014年3月25日 星期二

林偉權法官以為春袋是膀胱 - Judge Josiah Lam Thought "Scrotum" Meant "Bladder"

Judge Josiah Lam Thought "Scrotum" Meant "Bladder" - 林偉權法官以為春袋是膀胱







(Source: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/news/20140326/52322800)

執業律師唐汝駿今日在東區法院否認一項盜竊罪 - Practising Solicitor TONG YEE CHUN Denied One Charge of Theft Today


(Source 1: http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/20140326/bkn-20140326104504541-0326_00822_001.html)
(Source 2: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/news/20140326/52322693)

陳兆明袁耀彬律師事務所的律師,涉嫌於前年7月偷取律師行2.4萬元,又在同月涉嫌向客人訛稱入境處要收取費用,騙取客人3,000元。律師今被帶到裁判法院,控以偷竊及以欺騙手段取得財物罪。 律師唐汝駿(67歲),今親自出庭否認控罪,案件定於5月7日進行預審,期間被告獲准保釋。

2014年3月23日 星期日

太陽報A1頭條:午夜凶鈴 濫炸市民







(Source 1: http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/20140324/bkn-20140324011620676-0324_00822_001.html)

Solicitor Stephen Finley Found Guilty of Professional Misconduct - 范凌律師專業失當罪成

Reasons and Order: 9 December 2013

The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (“Tribunal”) found the following complaints against the Respondent proved after holding substantive hearings on 24, 25 July and 6, 13 August 2012 respectively:

1st Complaint
Breaches of Rule 2(a), (c), (d) and (e) of the SPR and Principle 13.02 of the Guide in that on or about 1 September 2009, a cheque which the Respondent issued on his office account to his client (whom he had acted for in a District Court proceedings and the claim was partially successful),was dishonoured.

2nd Complaint
Breaches of Rule 2(a) and (d) of the SPR and Principle 13.02 of the Guide in that on or about 28 April and 28 May 2010, cheques which the Respondent issued on his office account to the landlord of his firm’s office premises (the “Landlord”) were dishonoured.

3rd Complaint
Breaches of Rule 2(a) and (d) of the SPR in that the Respondent failed between 13 August 2009 and 31 January 2010 to pay to the Landlord the rent, management fees and rates due on his firm’s office premises, allowed the Landlord to enter judgment against him for the unpaid rent, etc. and allowed the Landlord to serve a statutory demand on him in connection with the unpaid rent, etc.

4th Complaint
Breaches of Rule 2(a), (c), (d) and (e) of the SPR and Principle 14.02 of the Guide in that the Respondent did not comply with an undertaking he gave to another solicitors’ firm during September 2009 to return to that another solicitors’ firm an assignment in connection with the purchase of a property in Sky Tower, Kowloon.

5th Complaint
Breaches of Principles 12.04 and 12.05 of the Guide in that the Respondent did not either pay or challenge, within two (2) months, fee notes delivered by a Senior Counsel (the “Senior Counsel”) on 10 July and 21 October 2008.

6th Complaint
Breaches of Rule 2(d) of the SPR and Principle 12.05 of the Guide in that as at 1 November 2011 the Respondent did not pay the fees notes delivered by the Senior Counsel on 10 July and 21 October 2008.

7th Complaint
Breaches of Rule 2(a) and (d) of the SPR and Principle 13.02 of the Guide in that on or about 31 December 2009 and 3 February 2010, cheques issued by the Respondent on his office account to the Senior Counsel were dishonoured.

8th Complaint
A breach of Principle 6.04 of the Guide in that the Respondent failed to respond promptly and meaningfully to enquiries from the Law Society.

9th Complaint
Breaches of the Section 8AA of the LPO and Rule 2(a) and (d) of the SPR in that the Respondent failed to comply with a notice of inspection issued by the Law Society on 26 March 2010.

10th Complaint
The common law offence of misconduct on account of the facts detailed in the above complaints. The common law offence of misconduct includes any conduct which is not dealt with by any specific rule but is nonetheless improper.

After consideration of the mitigation submitted by the Respondent, the Tribunal ordered that:-
  1. The Respondent be censured for all the complaints.
  2. In regard to the 1st Complaint, the Respondent is fined HK$300,000. This sum will be reduced to HK$150,000 provided the Respondent satisfies the Tribunal that full payment to his client mentioned in the 1st Complaint has been made within 10 days.
  3. In regard to the 2nd and 3rd Complaints, the Respondent is fined a total amount of HK$100,000 for both complaints.
  4. In regard to the 4th Complaint, the Respondent is fined HK$75,000.
  5. In regard to the 5th and 6th Complaints, the Respondent is fined a total sum of HK$160,000. This sum will be reduced to HK$100,000 provided he satisfies the Tribunal that he has made full payment to the Senior Counsel within 10 days.
  6. In regard to the 7th Complaint, the Respondent is fined HK$100,000.
  7. In regard to the 8th Complaint, the Respondent is fined HK$100,000.
  8. In regard to the 9th Complaint, the Respondent is fined HK$150,000.
  9. In regard to the 10th Complaint, there will be no additional penalty.
  10. For a period of 12 months after the Respondent is issued a fresh Practising Certificate, if any, following the intervention by the Law Society on 4 January 2012 in the practice of the Respondent, the Respondent shall not practise as a sole-proprietor or partner of a solicitors’ firm but can only practise as an employed solicitor under the supervision of a solicitor who has been actively practised in Hong Kong for at least 10 years.
  11. The costs of these proceedings, including the costs of investigation of the Applicant, the costs of the Applicant and the Clerk to the Tribunal, be borne and paid by the Respondent on an indemnity basis, such costs to be taxed, if not agreed
(Source 2: http://www.hk-lawyer.org/tc/article.asp?articleid=1983&c=121)

2014年3月20日 星期四


霸位大狀陳柏年 (Barrister Perry Chan) 責警調查偏頗

大律師陳柏年 (Counsel Perry Chan)(四十三歲)涉襲擊案,昨在觀塘裁判法院續審,控方已完成舉證,今日裁定是否表證成立。
事件中的「塘邊鶴」乘客夏瀚偉供稱,曾因被告 (Lawyer Perry Chan) 說話滿口英文而不滿,嘲被告「扮晒外國人講英文」,後來目擊被告揮拳擊中一名男乘客,夏獲邀做證人。旅遊車抵達皇崗後,被告曾問他「兄台,可唔可以無數呀?」夏回應「我都唔係你兄台」。夏是繼事主李偉成及退休事務律師乘客鄭成浩後,指證被告襲擊的第三人。
(星島日報 2014 年3月21日)

2014年3月19日 星期三

霸位不果被恥笑 陳柏年大律師涉毆乘客開審

大律師陳柏年 (Barrister Perry Chan) 於去年10月11日晚,乘搭過境旅遊巴時疑用公事包一人霸兩位,並向要求他讓出座位的乘客指,自己買了兩張車票。但當被要求出示車票時,大律師陳柏年 (Counsel Perry Chan) 始向司機要求補票,最終大律師陳柏年 (Lawyer Perry Chan) 補票不果,要讓出座位。事後在車程上有乘客起哄,批評大律師陳柏年 (Perry Chan Barrister) 行為,大律師陳柏年 (Perry Chan Counsel)涉嫌爆粗後出手襲擊其中一名李姓乘客,因而惹上官非。

大律師陳柏年 (Perry Chan Lawyer)(43歲),否認襲擊乘客,案件今在裁判法院開審。據被告的警誡供詞透露,被告向警方稱與李沒有身體接觸,反是李向他揮拳,而又指當時要求他讓出座位的乘客自稱大律師,該名人士向李提議報警,被告怕兩人串謀誣告他。

(Source: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/news/20140319/52298084)

Barrister Andrew Allman-Brown's Arguments Are Sterile and Wholly Unattractive - Says the Hong Kong Court of Appeal

Counsel Andrew Allman-Brown's Arguments Are "Sterile and Wholly Unattractive" - Says the Hong Kong Court of Appeal in Effiscient v Lehman (HCMP 593/2012) paragraph 23.

(See: http://legalref.judiciary.gov.hk/lrs/common/search/search_result_detail_frame.jsp?DIS=82229&QS=%2B&TP=JU)

2014年3月18日 星期二

Barrister Perry Chan Prosecuted for Assault - 大律師陳柏年被控襲擊

陳柏年大律師被控襲擊 - Lawyer Perry Chan Prosecuted for Assault
43歲大律師陳柏年 (Counsel Perry Chan),涉嫌於去年10月11日搭旅遊巴返內地時,霸佔兩個座位,被揭發後與司機乘客爭執,並襲擊男乘客。陳早前否認一項普通襲擊罪,案件今於觀塘法院開審,辯方反指是事主動手,並指事主與一名自稱大律師的乘客「夾口供」,反過來指控陳襲擊。從事鑽石批發的事主李偉成供稱,案發時有乘客希望坐在被告旁的位置,惟被告以英文回答「我買咗兩張票」,不願讓出位置,有乘客不滿起哄,稱被告是「衣冠禽獸」,事主亦加入口角,被告突然揮拳撃中他的面部,有乘客曾表示可以做證。辯方則指,當時要求讓出位置的乘客自稱是大律師,指被告「影衰法律界的聲譽」,又要求被告「落車隻揪」,被告反問「你係大律師,隻揪?你喺咪傻㗎?」後來事主加入口角,以粗口指罵被告並動武。事主得悉被告報警後,獲該名自稱大律師的乘客教唆,應也報警向警方備案,稱自己才是受害者,並答應作證,被告問「妨礙司法公正,你識唔識串啊?」法庭記者:陳子丰

2014年3月17日 星期一

大嶼山的士司機陳鎮昇 (24歲) 否認強姦年長兩年的女熟客


女西醫沈靜兒專業失德罪成 - Female Doctor Sam Ching Yee Guilty of Professional Misconduct

曾因濫發病假紙而被判專業失德的女西醫沈靜兒 (Dr Sam Ching Yee),於2011年8月不當地向一名有藥物過敏病史的女病人處方一款非類固醇消炎藥,病人其後出現過敏反應。醫務委員會今早召開紀律聆訊,沈被控一項專業失德罪名成立,判除牌一個月,緩刑一年。


74日內向同一病人開30張病假紙 女西醫沈靜兒專業失德罪成
醫務委員會昨日聆訊女西醫沈靜兒 (Dr Sam Ching Yee) 被指控去年七至九月期間,在短短七十四日內向一名女病人狂發三十張病假紙,病人聲稱有傷風、頭痛、頸痛及耳水不平衡等病徵,但請假理由清一色是上呼吸道感染。病人僱主去年底終忍無可忍將其解僱,並向醫委會投訴女西醫濫發病假紙。醫委會昨裁定沈靜兒專業失當指控成立,但僅予以譴責。


 沈靜兒昨自辯時一再強調,黃佩珊的主要病徵是上呼吸道感染,但同時患有耳水不平衡及病情反覆,故需要較多休息時間。但專家證人香港家庭醫學院總監察阮中鎏亦指出,上呼吸道感染通常三至七日就會痊愈。 麥列菲菲在裁判時指出,關注受醫療集團聘用的醫生,以診所名義向病人發出醫生紙。由於醫生紙上未能顯示主診醫生的姓名,令其他人難以追溯,故認為醫生應以自己的名義向病人發出醫生紙。 醫療集團一直遭外界批評為保障收入,限制受聘醫生為病人處方藥物,甚至「順應」病人要求簽發醫生紙。西醫工會會長楊超發表示,若醫療集團老闆是商人而並非專業西醫,「佢就會做好多唔係醫生做,因為少病人就會少收入,為唔得失病人,旗下醫生會對病人服侍周到,可能會過火位」!                         

2014年3月14日 星期五

澳門以錢代監可取消刑期 - In Macau You Can Pay Money To Cancel Imprisonment


Birmingham City Owner Carson Yeung Jailed For Six Years

Birmingham City owner Carson Yeung has been jailed for six years by a Hong Kong court for money laundering.

The businessman, 54, was convicted on Monday of five charges relating to HK$720m (£55m) passing through his bank accounts between 2001 and 2007.

He claimed he had accumulated hundreds of millions of dollars through stock trading, business ventures in mainland China, a hair salon and gambling.

Judge Douglas Yau said the sentence must be a deterrent to others.

'Full force'
The former hair stylist's trial was told he had lied about how he made his money and Yeung was described by Judge Yau as "not a witness of truth".
The businessman was unable to show where almost HK$100m (£7.7m) in his bank accounts had come from.
Sentencing Yeung at Hong Kong District Court, Judge Yau said: "The sentence must include an element of deterrence to discourage those who are in a position to exploit the system.
"The law will come down on them with full force.
"Maintaining the integrity of the banking system is of paramount importance if Hong Kong is to remain an international finance centre," he said.
Police investigators, who described the case as a difficult one involving analysis of financial records from as far back as 2001, welcomed the six-year sentence.
'New era'
Gloria Yu, a police investigator, told reporters outside the courthouse: "We overcame a lot of hurdles to get this result.
"We are happy... and encouraged because fighting money laundering is a very arduous task."
The BBC's Andrew Wood in Hong Kong said it was a tough sentence, despite Yeung's lawyer asking for leniency.
"He'll be 60 years old [when released], assuming he doesn't come out with time for good behaviour."
Yeung worked in the UK as a teenager before becoming a hairstylist in Hong Kong. He made his fortune investing in Macau in the 1990s and is a prominent property developer in Hong Kong.
He bought Birmingham City in October 2009 for £81.5m from David Sullivan and David Gold, now the co-owners of West Ham.
The Hong Kong businessman was arrested and charged with money laundering two years later.
He is the majority shareholder but resigned in February as president of Birmingham City FC, director of Birmingham City plc and director and chairman of the club's parent company, Birmingham International Holdings Ltd (BIHL).
His son, Ryan, 20, and brother-in-law Shui Cheong Ma, 52, remain on the club's board of directors.
Acting chairman Peter Pannu said Yeung would not run the "club by proxy" from prison through family members on the board.
On Monday, the club said Yeung's conviction would have no impact on day-to-day operations.
The Football League has said it is satisfied with the action the club's holding company has taken since the commencement of criminal proceedings.
In a separate development, the sale of 12% of the club was cancelled on Friday as the buyer, a Chinese media firm, failed to meet the deadline set by the club.
BBC 5Live's Pat Murphy has estimated the value of the football club has dropped to about £30m as it struggles in the second tier.
Fans' organisation the Blues Trust has said Birmingham supporters are looking forward to a "new era" and want to put "this troubling period behind us as soon as possible".
It has called on BIHL to sell the club as soon as possible.
Since Yeung took charge, Blues have won the League Cup but have been relegated from the Barclays Premier League and are currently 17th in the Championship.

楊家誠被追債232萬 - Carson Yeung Sued for HK$2.32 Million

因洗黑錢7.2億元被判入獄的英冠球會伯明翰班主楊家誠 (Carson Yeung),去年4月向一家財務公司借貸200萬元,月息兩厘,須三個月內還款,並簽署同額支票作抵押,但貸款到期時,楊僅償還了12萬元利息。


(Source: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20140315/18657111)





法官又指出,協助Moon Ocean競投涉案土地的東基公司,並無任何相關顧問工作文件呈交法庭,是「難以置信」,續指大劉作為富經驗的商人,向Moon Ocean貸款兩億元,卻無即時獲得該公司股權,直至該公司獲得涉案土地後才收購該公司,整個過程不合理,法庭對此「好有懷疑」,種種證據迹象反映,實際對涉案土地有興趣者是劉鑾雄。
同時,在歐文龍「友好手冊」中,有寫上「劉鑾雄」或「大劉」名字,法官指,「商界中人都好清楚,大劉係劉鑾雄嘅別名」,手冊中未載有羅傑承的名字,證明羅只是中間人。法官稱根據證人供詞,涉案土地競投由澳門政府決定,由歐挑選參與競投公司,雖獲邀投標者不符要求,但最終涉案土地判給剛成立的Moon Ocean,反映整個批地過程由歐操控。初級法院合議庭三名法官經商議裁定劉及羅兩項罪名成立,首項行賄罪各判兩年九個月;第二項洗黑錢罪各判四年,量刑後劉及羅各判監禁五年三個月。






‧所有證據、證供認定羅傑承無任何意願參與涉案土地項目,唯一證明只有羅組成的Moon Ocean公司,這公司其後被劉鑾雄收購,羅只是中間人
‧涉案土地批給過程由澳門政府決定,並由歐文龍選出可參與競投的公司,獲邀投標者卻不符合要求,最後批給Moon Ocean,據法庭經驗,整個土地競投由歐一手操控
‧無任何有關協助Moon Ocean競投土地提供顧問的東基公司的顧問工作文件,是難以置信
‧雖然羅傑承持有的Moon Ocean曾制訂涉案土地的初步研究報告,但實際是由劉鑾雄全權操控
‧劉鑾雄是富經驗的商人,為何向Moon Ocean借貸兩億元,卻無立即獲取該公司股權,而是在該公司取得涉案土地後,才收購該公司,過程不合理,種種迹象反映對涉案土地有興趣者是劉鑾雄
Joseph Lau Luen-hung, Steven Lo Kit-shing sentenced to jail for land deal

Billionaire Hong Kong property tycoon Joseph Lau Luen-hung has been handed a jail term of five years and three months by a Macau court for his part in a bribes-for-land racket involving the most corrupt public official ever brought to justice in the history of the former Portuguese enclave.
Chinese Estates Holdings chairman, Lau, 62, and his high-profile business partner Steven Lo Kit-shing were yesterday found guilty of corruption and money laundering for paying a HK$20 million bribe to disgraced ex-public works chief Ao Man-long, who was jailed for 29 years in May 2012.
Both men were given the same jail term despite Judge Mario Augusto Silvestre saying that Lau had played a more significant "planning'' role in the bribery scheme. Lawyers for the pair said they would appeal.
Neither Lau, who is worth US$8.4 billion according to the Forbes rich list, nor Lo, the multi-millionaire boss of top Hong Kong soccer team South China, were in Macau's Court of First Instance to hear the verdict. They are unlikely to spend any time behind bars because Macau does not have an extradition treaty with Hong Kong.
After a two-year trial punctuated by delays, sickness and an unprecedented change of judge, Lau and Lo were found guilty of offering a bribe to Ao in return for five plots of prime land over-looking one of the world's most lucrative stretches of land - Macau's glitzy Cotai Strip - for a luxury housing development, La Scala.
Judge Augusto Silvestre - who replaced original trial judge Alice Costa, who fell sick shortly after the trail opened - said it was Lau's idea to buy the land, describing Lo as "merely a middleman".
In a closed bid for the land near Macau airport in June 2005, Jones Lang LaSalle, representing Lo's Moon Ocean, bought the land for HK$1.37 billion. Lau bought 70 per cent of the company in December 2005, acquiring the remaining 30 per cent in March 2011.
The judge said it was suspicious that Lau signed an option agreement with Moon Ocean and offered a HK$250million loan to it soon after the company was established. Lau did not exercise the option but bought the majority of Moon Ocean shares six months after it won the bid.
The court earlier heard that Lau and Lo hired architecture firm Hsin Yieh to prepare designs for the land before the tender was public knowledge.
"Although Lo did hire Hsin Yieh for a rough study of the land, it was in fact Lau who came up with the plan," the judge said, adding: "Lo acted merely as a middleman to help [Lau] to seal the deal between him and Ao."
Lo's Eastern Base signed a HK$20 million contract to provide consultation services for Moon Oean, but the judge also said it was "difficult to believe" actual service was provided. The court was told the sum eventually ended up in a company controlled by Ao.
Lo's lawyer, Jorge Neto Valente, said Lo was "upset" at the verdict and was not in court because a doctor had advised him to get some rest.
Lau was also absent, like he has been for most of the proceedings due to illness.
Six other defendants in the case were found guilty and jailed for corruption or money laundering. They were also not in court.


2014年3月11日 星期二

麥東成律師專業失當罪成 (Solicitor Alrick Mak Tung Shing Guilty of Professional Misconduct)

Lawyer Alrick Mak Tung Shing Guilty of Professional Misconduct - 事務律師麥東成專業失當罪成

Findings and order:
7 March 2011

The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal found the following two Complaints against the Respondent proved on his own admission:

Complaint 3
Breach of Principle 4.01 of the Guide in that the Respondent failed to keep his clients informed in relation to the incurring of costs in relation to a Winding Up Proceedings.

Complaint 6A (alternative to Complaints 4, 5 and 6)Breach of Principle 4.16 of the Guide and s 64 of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) in that the Respondent entered into a contingency fee arrangement with his clients for acting in contentious proceedings.

By consent of the parties, Complaints 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were not proceeded with.

On 7 March 2011, the Tribunal ordered the Respondent:
  1. be censured;
  2. in relation to Complaint 3, be fined the sum of HK$5000;
  3. in relation to Complaint 6A, be fined the sum of HK$300,000;
  4. to pay 57% of the Applicant’s costs of investigation and costs of these proceedings; and
  5. to pay the costs of the Clerk.

Solicitor Clifton Wong Guilty of Professional Misconduct (黃澤林律師專業失當罪成)

事務律師黃澤林專業失當罪成 (Lawyer Clifton Wong Guilty of Professional Misconduct)

Findings and order:
27 May 2011

The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal found the following complaint against the Respondent Solicitor Clifton Wong proved on his own admission:

Breach of Principle 14.02 of the Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct Vol 1, 2nd Edition in that the Respondent, being a partner of Messrs Li, Wong, Lam & WI Cheung and the solicitor-in-charge of a conveyancing transaction, failed to honour the undertaking to send to the vendor’s solicitors the conveyancing documents as stated in the letter from the vendors’ solicitors dated 29 September 2009 within the stipulated time which was imposed on him in the said letter.

The Tribunal, having considered: (i) that the Respondent had expressed no remorse in his breach of the undertaking and a heavy fine may not change his attitude in honouring undertakings; and (ii) his admission of the charge and his plea of mitigation, ordered that:
  1. the Respondent be censured;
  2. the Respondent be fined HK$20,000.00;
  3. with effect from 2 July 2011, the Respondent’s practice as a solicitor be subject to the following conditions for two years:
    1. that he cannot practise as a sole proprietor or partner of a solicitors firm; and
    2. that his practice as a solicitor be subject to the supervision of a full-time solicitor of no less than 15 years’ standing and also of good standing.
  4. the Respondent pay the costs of these proceedings, including the costs of the Clerk and the Law Society in investigating into the matter, such costs to be taxed, if not agreed, on a party-and-party basis.

賴文俊律師專業失當罪成 - Solicitor Lai Man Chun Anthony Guilty of Professional Misconduct

Lawyer Anthony Lai Guilty of Professional Misconduct - 賴文俊事務律師專業失當罪成

Findings and order:
17 June 2011

On 29 February 2008, the Respondent, Solicitor Anthony Lai, received instructions from his client to pursue an employee compensation claim in District Court proceedings (‘the Case’). The Case commenced on 22 July 2008.

 His client applied for legal aid on 14 January 2009 and legal aid was granted on 23 March 2009. No counsel was assigned by the Director of Legal Aid (DLA).

The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal found the following complaints against the Solicitor Anthony M C Lai proved on his own admission:
  1. Breach of Rule 2(d) and (e) of the Solicitors’ Practice Rules (SPR) in that the Respondent failed to consult and seek prior approval from the DLA to instruct counsel to attend two hearings on 24 April and 14 August 2009 in the Case.
  2. Breach of Rule 2(f) of the SPR in that the Respondent failed to inform the Court in the Case that counsel had been instructed to attend the hearing on 24 April 2009 without prior approval by the DLA.
  3. Breach of Rule 2(d) and (f) of the SPR in that the Respondent improperly instructed counsel to ask for legal aid costs order during the 24 April 2009 hearing in which the Court ordered that the costs of the hearing be in the cause, with Legal Aid taxation of his client’s costs but with no certificate for counsel.
  4. Breach of Rule 2(d) of the SPR and Principles 5.12 and 5.17 of the Guide in that the Respondent failed to inform his client that the DLA had not assigned counsel to the Case or authorised the instructing of counsel for the Case.
The Tribunal commented that the conduct of the Respondent upset the legal aid system and had caused grave concern of the Judge in the Case and was undesirable in the public image of the profession. Whilst the Tribunal believed that it was not likely that the Respondent would repeat the same breaches in the future, it considered that appropriate censure should be imposed for his conduct.

The Tribunal, having considered the mitigation of Solicitor Lai Man Chun Anthony, ordered that:
  1. the Respondent be censured;
  2. the Respondent be fined HK$40,000.00; and
  3. the Respondent pay the costs of these proceedings in the sum of HK$126,628 made up of the costs of the Clerk (HK$20,000), the Law Society (HK$34,836) and the Prosecutor (HK$53,632).

鄭子駒律師專業失當罪成 - Solicitor T K Cheng Guilty of Professional Misconduct

Lawyer Cheng Tze Kui Guilty of Professional Misconduct - 事務律師鄭子駒專業失當罪成
Findings and order:
6 September 2011

The Respondent, at all the material times, was the sole proprietor of Messrs TK Cheng & Co (‘the Firm’) and the Firm had two offices with the main office at Mongkok (‘Mongkok Office’) and a branch office at Central, Hong Kong (‘Hong Kong Office’).

On 18 May 2011, the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal found the following 11 complaints against the Respondent proved on his own admission:

1st Complaint
Breach of Rule 10(1) of the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules in which the Respondent, on 27 April 2006, had failed to keep properly written up client ledgers in the Hong Kong Office in that transactions of payments of client’s money paid by the Mongkok Office on behalf of clients of Hong Kong Office were not recorded in the client ledgers of the Hong Kong Office resulting in a debit balance of HK$324,889 recorded under ‘TEMP-HK OFFICE CLT’.

2nd ComplaintBreach of Rule 10(1) of the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules in which the Respondent, on 27 April 2006, had failed to keep properly written up client ledgers in the Mongkok Office in that transactions of payments of client’s money paid by the Hong Kong Office on behalf of clients of Mongkok Office were not recorded in the client ledgers of the Mongkok Office resulting in a credit balance of HK$246,043.06 recorded under ‘MK-CLT’S A/C’.

3rd Complaint
Breach of Rule 10(1) of the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules in which the Respondent, on 29 January 2007 had failed to keep properly written up client ledgers in the Hong Kong Office in that transactions of payments of client’s money paid by the Mongkok Office on behalf of clients of Hong Kong Office were not recorded in the client ledgers of the Hong Kong Office resulting in a debit balance of HK$308,729 recorded under ‘TEMP-HK OFFICE CLT’.

4th ComplaintBreach of Rule 10(1) of the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules in that, on 29 January 2007, the total clients’ money recorded in the client ledgers was greater than the total clients’ money recorded in the clients’ cash books by HK$733,707.

5th ComplaintBreach of Rule 10(1) of the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules in that the Respondent, on 29 January 2007, failed to ensure no debit balance occurred in clients’ account in the Mongkok Office. There were a total of 13 debit entries.

6th Complaint
Breach of Rule 10(1) of the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules in that the Respondent, on 29 January 2007, had failed to keep properly written up client ledgers in the Mongkok Office in that transactions of payments of client’s money paid by the Hong Kong Office on behalf of clients of Mongkok Office were not recorded in the client ledgers of the Mongkok Office resulting in a credit balance of HK$508,145.95 recorded under ‘MK-CLT'S A/C’.

7th Complaint Breach of Rule 10(1) of the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules in that the Respondent, on 29 January 2007, failed to ensure no debit balance occurred in clients’ account in the Hong Kong Office. There were a total of five debit entries.

8th ComplaintBreach of Rule 10(1) and 10(2) of the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules in that the Respondent, on 29 January 2007, upon making 62 entries of transfer of money from the clients’ bank accounts in the total sum of HK$733,707 to the office bank account, failed to record any entries of transfer in the corresponding client ledgers and as a result the total clients’ money recorded in the client ledgers was greater than the total clients’ money recorded in the clients’ cash books by HK$733,707.

9th ComplaintThe Respondent, on 23 April 2007 was in persistent failure to comply with Principle 4.10 of the Guide and Rule 2(e) of the Solicitors’ Practice Rules in that the bills prepared by the Firm did not contain sufficient information to identify the matters to which the bills related or contain erroneous information.

10th Complaint
Breach of Section 8(1) of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) in that the Respondent had failed to deliver to the Council of the Law Society on or before 31 October 2006 an Accountant’s Report of the Firm for the accounting period from 1 August 2005 to 31 July 2006 and the said report was late for one year and 29 days.

11th ComplaintBreach of Section 8(1) of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) in that the Respondent had failed to deliver to the Council of the Law Society on or before 31 October 2008 an Accountant’s Report of the Firm for the accounting period from 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008 and the said report was late for one month and 16 days.

The Tribunal, having considered the Respondent&’s mitigation, ordered that:
  1. the Respondent be censured;
  2. the Respondent be fined HK$5000 in relation to the 1st Complaint;
  3. the Respondent be fined HK$5000 in relation to the 2nd Complaint;
  4. the Respondent be fined HK$5000 in relation to the 3rd Complaint;
  5. the Respondent be fined HK$5000 in relation to the 4th Complaint;
  6. the Respondent be fined HK$5000 in relation to the 5th Complaint;
  7. the Respondent be fined HK$5000 in relation to the 6th Complaint;
  8. the Respondent be fined HK$5000 in relation to the 7th Complaint;
  9. the Respondent be fined HK$5000 in relation to the 8th Complaint;
  10. the Respondent be fined HK$10,000 in relation to the 9th Complaint;
  11. the Respondent be fined HK$10,000 in relation to the 10th Complaint;
  12. the Respondent be fined HK$15,000 in relation to the 11th Complaint;
  13. the Respondent is to pay the amounts above totalling HK$75,000 by monthly instalments with a first instalment of HK$5000 to be paid on 1 October 2011 and the balance of HK$70,000 by 14 monthly instalments of HK$5000 each to be paid on the first day of each month; and
  14. the Respondent shall pay HK$160,000 to the Law Society and HK$27,000 to the Clerk in full and final settlement of costs of these proceedings, the said sum of HK$187,000 shall be paid by monthly instalments with a first instalment of HK$7000 be paid on 1 October 2011 and the balance of HK$180,000 by 18 monthly instalments of HK$10,000 each to be paid on the first day of each month. In the event that the Respondent fails to pay any instalment on time, the outstanding amount of costs becomes due and payable by him immediately.

Solicitor Jonathan Edward Spencer Rostron Guilty of Professional Misconduct (羅思川律師專業失當罪成)

羅思川律師專業失當罪成 - Lawyer Jonathan Rostron Guilty of Professional Misconduct

Reasons and order:
29 August 2011

The Hong Kong Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal found the following two complaints against the Solicitor Jonathan Rostron proved:

1st Complaint Breach of Rule 10 of the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules in that the Respondent had failed to keep properly written up books and accounts for his firm.

2nd ComplaintBreach of Rule 11 of the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules in that the Respondent had failed to produce his firm’s books and accounts to the Monitoring Accountants appointed by the Council for inspection.

The Tribunal ordered that:
  1. For the 1st complaint, the Respondent be fined HK$50,000.
  2. For the 2nd complaint, the Respondent be suspended for a period of three years and be subject to the condition to practice that on his resuming practice as a solicitor, for the first three years, he cannot do so as a sole-proprietor or partner of any solicitors firm and can only do so as an employed solicitor under the supervision of a solicitor of no less than 10 years’ active post-qualification experience in Hong Kong.
  3. Half of the costs of these proceedings, including the costs of the Clerk, be borne and paid for by the Respondent, such costs to be taxed, if not agreed, on a party-and-party basis.

譚大偉律師專業失當罪成 (Solicitor Tam Tai Wai Guilty of Professional Misconduct)

Lawyer Tam Tai Wai Guilty of Professional Misconduct (譚大偉律師專業失當罪成)











  1. 答辯人須受譴責﹔
  2. 答辯人須支付下列罰款﹕(i)就第一項投訴,港幣30,000元﹔(ii)就第二項投訴,港幣10,000元﹔及(iii)就第三項投訴,港幣30,000元﹔
  3. 答辯人須支付本紀律程序的費用,包括律師會的調查費用、律師會的代表律師的費用及審裁組書記的費用﹔假如各方未能就該等費用的金額達成協議,則須按訴訟各方對評基準評定。
Hearing date:
12 March 2013, 6 June 2013

Findings and Order:
3 October 2013

Based on the Respondent’s admission, the Agreed Facts signed by the Respondent and the Prosecutor and the evidence presented by the Law Society, the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (the “Tribunal”) found that all three complaints were proved against the Respondent. The Tribunal’s findings were as follows: -

The 1st Complaint

Breach of Section 8AA of the LPO and Rule 2(d) & (e) of the SPR in that the Respondent had failed to comply with the Notice of Inspection dated 23 December 2009 requiring him to produce for inspection all receipt records (including receipts, vouchers and ledgers) in relation to the various amounts received from the Plaintiffs in HCA 2503 of 2008 over the period from 2002 to 2004.

The 2nd Complaint

Breach of Rule 2(d) and (e) of the SPR in that the Respondent had failed to comply with the Council’s resolution on 23 March 2010 in full in that he had failed to take immediate steps to remove his name from the authorized bank signatories of all the client bank accounts of Messrs. John Ku, Tam & Ho of which he is the sole proprietor (the “Respondent’s firm”) and to appoint a solicitor as the sole signatory of all such client bank accounts.

The 3rd Complaint

Breach of Principle 6.04 of the Guide in that the Respondent had failed to deal promptly with inquiries from the Law Society in its letter dated 2 November 2011 concerning the request for further information relating to the Law Society’s investigation against him and the Respondent’s firm.

At the hearing on 6 June 2013, there were mitigation submissions made on behalf of the Respondent by his Counsel.

The Tribunal ordered that:
  1. the Respondent be censured;
  2. the Respondent be fined: (i) HK$30,000 for the 1st Complaint; (ii) HK$10,000 for the 2nd Complaint; and (iii) HK$30,000 for the 3rd Complaint; 
  3. the costs of these proceedings, including the costs of investigation by the Law Society, the Solicitor for the Law Society and the Clerk to the Tribunal, be paid by the Respondent, to be taxed on a party and party basis if not agreed.

(Source 1: http://www.hk-lawyer.org/tc/article.asp?articleid=1733&c=121)
(Source 2: http://www.hk-lawyer.org/en/article.asp?articleid=1733&c=121)

2014年3月10日 星期一

畢保麒律師, 馮樹華律師 及 利炳輝律師專業失當罪成 (Solicitors Bruke, Fung & Li Found Guilty of Professional Misconduct)

Lawyer Burke Patrick Michael (畢保麒律師) (R1) Lawyer Fung Shu Wah (馮樹華律師) (R2) Lawyer Li Ping Fai Tommy (利炳輝律師) (R3)

Hearing dates: 8 March 2011, 2 June 2011 and 4 August 2011
Findings and order: 19 October 2011
The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal found the following two Complaints against the Respondents proved on their own admissions:

The 1st Complaint
Breaches of s 8 of the LPO, Rule 8 of the ARR and Principle 2.03 of the Guide in that the Respondents, being the three proprietors of Messrs Burke, Fung & Li ('the Closed Firm'), failed to provide the final accountant's report within six months of the Closed Firm ceasing business (the Closed Firm ceased practice on 30 September 2007).

The 2nd Complaint
Breach of Rule 2(d) and (e) of the SPR in that the conduct of the Respondents compromised or impaired or was likely to compromise or impair their own reputation or the reputation of the profession and a proper standard of work.

Having considered the Respondents' respective mitigation submissions (including the fact that the Closed Firm had filed its final accountant's report with the Law Society on 12 July 2011), the Tribunal ordered that:

(a) all the Respondents be censured;
(b) each Respondent be fined a sum of HK$60,000 for the 1st and 2nd Complaints; and
(c) all costs of these proceedings and prior investigation including the costs of the Clerk, the Prosecutor and the Law Society, be borne by the Respondents and to be taxed on party and party basis if not agreed.

(Source: http://www.hk-lawyer.org/tc/article.asp?articleid=1814&c=121)

Solicitor Jimmie K S Wong & Solicitor Henry Wai Found Guilty of Professional Misconduct (黃嘉錫律師 及 韋業顯律師專業失當罪成)

黃嘉錫律師 及 韋業顯律師專業失當罪成 (Lawyer Jimmie K S Wong & Lawyer Henry Wai Found Guilty of Professional Misconduct)

Lawyer Wong Ka Sek Jimmie (“the 1st Respondent”) and Lawyer Wai Yip Hin Henry (“the 2nd Respondent”) - 黃嘉錫律師 (第一答辯人) 及 韋業顯律師 (第二答辯人)

Hearing date: 11 January 2013

Findings and Order:
28 February 2013

A Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal found the following complaints against 1st Respondent and 2nd Respondent proved on their own admission :

The 1st Complaint (against the 1st Respondent)

Breaches of (1) Rule 4 of the Solicitors’ Practice Rules (“the SPR”), (2) Principle 2.03 and (3) Principle 4.15 of the Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct, Volume 1, Second Edition (“the Guide”) in that the 1st Respondent shared profit costs with a legal executive during the period from 30 April 2008 to 30 September 2008 for work handled by the legal executive whilst under the employment of Messrs. Jimmie K.S. Wong & Partners (formerly known as Jimmie K.S. Wong & Company)(“Firm Wong”).

The 2nd Complaint (against the 1st Respondent)
Breaches of (1) Rule 4 of the SPR, (2) Principle 2.03 and (3) Principle 4.15 of the Guide in that the 1st Respondent shared profit costs with a legal executive during the period from 30 April 2008 to 30 September 2008 for work handled by the legal executive whilst under the employment of Firm Wong.

The 3rd Complaint (against the 1st Respondent)
Breaches of (1) Rule 4 of the SPR, (2) Principle 2.03 and (3) Principle 4.15 of the Guide in that the 1st Respondent shared profit costs with a paralegal during the period from 1 September 2008 to 30 September 2008 for work handled by the paralegal whilst under the employment of Firm Wong.

The 4th Complaint (against the 1st Respondent)
Breaches of (1) Rule 4 of the SPR, (2) Principle 2.03 and (3) Principle 4.15 of the Guide in that the 1st Respondent shared profit costs with a trainee solicitor during the period from 30 April 2008 to 30 September 2008 for work handled by the trainee solicitor whilst under the employment of Firm Wong.

The 5th Complaint (against the 2nd Respondent)

Breaches of (1) Rule 4 of the SPR, (2) Principle 2.03 and (3) Principle 4.15 of the Guide in that the 2nd Respondent shared profit costs with a legal executive (the same person as mentioned in the 1st Complaint) on 30 September 2008 for work handled by the legal executive whilst under the employment of Firm Wong.

The 6th Complaint (against the 2nd Respondent)

Breaches of (1) Rule 4 of the SPR, (2) Principle 2.03 and (3) Principle 4.15 of the Guide in that the 2nd Respondent shared profit costs with a legal executive (the same person as mentioned in the 2nd Complaint) on 30 September 2008 for work done by the legal executive whilst under the employment of Firm Wong.

The 7th Complaint (against the 2nd Respondent)
Breaches of (1) Rule 4 of the SPR, (2) Principle 2.03 and (3) Principle 4.15 of the Guide in that the 2nd Respondent shared profit costs with a paralegal (the same person as mentioned in the 3rd Complaint) on 30 September 2008 for work handled by the paralegal whilst under the employment of Firm Wong.

The 8th Complaint (against the 2nd Respondent)

Breaches of (1) Rule 4 of the SPR, (2) Principle 2.03 and (3) Principle 4.15 of the Guide in that the 2nd Respondent shared profit costs with a trainee solicitor (the same person as mentioned in the 4th Complaint) on 30 September 2008 for work handled by the trainee solicitor whilst under the employment of Firm Wong.

And upon hearing the mitigation submissions made on behalf of both Respondents, the Tribunal ordered, inter alia, that:
  1. In respect of the 1st to 4th Complaints, the 1st Respondent be censured and fined $10,000;
  2. In respect of the 5th to 8th Complaints, the 2nd Respondent be censured and fined $10,000; and
  3. The 1st and 2nd Respondents do pay on an equal basis all costs of and incidental to the proceedings, including the costs of the Prosecutor and the Tribunal Clerk and the costs of the Law Society’s prior investigation and enquiries, such costs to be taxed if not agreed.



第一答辯人受僱於黃嘉錫律師事務所(前稱Jimmie K.S. Wong & Company)(下稱「黃行」)時,於2008年4月30日至2008年9月30日期間,就一名法律行政人員處理的工作,與該名法律行政人員分享利潤收費,因而違反(1)《執業律師規則》(下稱「《規則》」)第4條規則、(2)《香港律師專業操守指引》第二版第一冊(下稱「《指引》」)第2.03條原則及 (3)《指引》第4.15條原則。

第一答辯人受僱於黃行時,於2008年4月30日至2008年9月30日期間,就一名法律行政人員處理的工作,與該名法律行政人員分享利潤收費,因而違反(1)《規則》的第4條規則、(2)《指引》的第2.03條原則及 (3)《指引》的第4.15條原則。


第一答辯人受僱於黃行時,於2008年9月1日至2008年9月30日期間,就一名法律輔助人員處理的工作,與該名法律輔助人員分享利潤收費,因而違反(1)《規則》的第4條規則、(2)《指引》的第2.03條原則及 (3)《指引》的第4.15條原則。


第一答辯人受僱於黃行時,於2008年4月30日至2008年9月30日期間,就一名實習律師處理的工作,與該名實習律師分享利潤收費,因而違反(1)《規則》的第4條規則、(2)《指引》的第2.03條原則及 (3)《指引》的第4.15條原則。

第二答辯人受僱於黃行時,於2008年9月30日,就一名法律行政人員(於第一項申訴中所提及的同一人)處理的工作,與該名法律行政人員分享利潤收費,因而違反(1)《規則》的第4條規則、(2)《指引》的第2.03條原則及 (3)《指引》的第4.15條原則。

第二答辯人受僱於黃行時,於2008年9月30日,就一名法律行政人員(於第二項申訴中所提及的同一人)處理的工作,與該名法律行政人員分享利潤收費,因而違反(1)《規則》的第4條規則、(2)《指引》的第2.03條原則及 (3)《指引》的第4.15條原則。

第二答辯人受僱於黃行時,於2008年9月30日,就一名法律輔助人員(於第三項申訴中所提及的同一人)處理的工作,與該名法律輔助人員分享利潤收費,因而違反(1)《規則》的第4條規則、(2)《指引》的第2.03條原則及 (3)《指引》的第4.15條原則。

第二答辯人受僱於黃行時,於2008年9月30日,就一名實習律師(於第四項申訴中所提及的同一人)處理的工作,與該名實習律師分享利潤收費,因而違反(1)《規則》的第4條規則、(2)《指引》的第2.03條原則及 (3)《指引》的第4.15條原則。

  1. 就第一至第四項申訴,對第一答辯人施以譴責,並罰款一萬元;
  2. 就第五至第八項申訴,對第二答辯人施以譴責,並罰款一萬元;
  3. 第一及第二答辯人須平均承擔有關法律程序的所有訟費及附帶費用,包括有關檢控員及審裁組書記的費用,以及律師會事先進行調查的費用,若未能就此等費用達成協議,則有待評定。

楊家誠洗黑錢判囚六年 (Carson Yeung Sentenced to 6 Years' Imprisonment for Money Laundering)

英冠球會伯明翰前班主楊家誠(54歲)(Carson Yeung) 涉清洗7.2億元黑錢一案,早前被裁定5項洗黑錢罪成,昨被判監6年。辯方求情時指控方未能證明本案背後涉及其他罪案,亦不涉及國際因素,而楊更不能被視作洗黑錢主腦。楊出身寒微,白手興家,又曾捐獻近5,000萬元人民幣巨款作慈善用途,法官稱判刑已反映這些因素



(Source 1: http://www.singpao.com/xw/gat/201403/t20140308_493390.html)
(Source 2: http://news.sina.com.hk/news/20140307/-2-3206962/1.html)
(Source 3: http://www.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php?tid=23013142&extra=page%3D1&page=1)









Deputy Special Magistrate HAU Cheuk-man Heavily Criticized by DHCJ Woo


狠批判決滿目瘡痍 官質疑下級法官水平



The Standard (Tuesday, March 11, 2014)
The High Court has set free a man convicted of careless driving after criticizing the magistrate (Deputy Special Magistrate HAU Cheuk-man) who found him guilty.
High Court judge Woo Kwok-hing said the ruling of the magistrate (Deputy Special Magistrate HAU Cheuk-man) was so poorly written it could weaken public confidence in the professional standards of judicial officers.
The driver, Baldwin Lam Pok-man, had been convicted in the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court of careless driving that caused an accident in Yau Ma Tei on October 2, 2012.
Lam was accused of making a sudden right turn and colliding with a vehicle on Bute Street near Canton Road. Lam appealed against the conviction.
In clearing Lam, Woo criticized Deputy Special Magistrate HAU Cheuk-man for basing his judgment on a video clip taken by a camera in Lam's vehicle.
Woo said the video showed only the moment of the crash and did not prove what Hau said was the closeness of the two vehicles before the accident.
Woo said Hau's judgment was riddled with holes and could weaken public confidence in judicial officers.
Deputy Special Magistrate HAU Cheuk-man was recently reappointed deputy special magistrate from October 2013 to April 2014.
Woo said the verdict would allow people to criticize judgments.
"It could cause citizens to reduce or even lose confidence in the professional standards and [working] attitude of judicial officers," Woo said.
"If [what was stated] in the judgment really was what the magistrate [Hau] meant, undoubtedly, the sentencing was not made on a sound basis."
Woo said Deputy Special Magistrate HAU Cheuk-man had wrongly deduced that since the collision occurred within two to three seconds of Lam making a right turn, the other vehicle must have been very close. Hau also said Lam did not pay attention to road conditions on his right when he was making the right turn.
Woo pointed out that the video clip did not show the exact location of the other vehicle before the collision. It is possible the other vehicle was traveling at high speed and consequently it could not be proved that Lam was driving carelessly.
"The judgment was not the result of a mistaken inference, but an inaccurate decision or understanding," Woo said. He cleared Lam of his conviction and said a retrial was unnecessary.

2014年3月1日 星期六

Lawyer Stanley Ma Guilty of Stealing a Woman's Bra (大狀馬浩輝偷胸圍罪成)

Counsel Stanley Ma Guilty of Stealing a Woman's Bra (馬浩輝大律師偷胸圍罪成)
(South China Morning Post, 30 November 2010)
ATV reporter-turned-barrister Stanley Ma Ho-fai (馬浩輝大律師) could not keep his fingers off a bra, an Eastern Court magistrate decided yesterday.
Barrister Stanley Ma, 44, was found guilty of theft for stealing a HK$350 white bra with red lace from a Peng Chau resident's drying rack in May. He was convicted after trial and fined HK$3,000.

Lawyer Stanley Ma Ho Fai, a journalist for 12 years before joining the bar in October 2000, had a clear record before yesterday, his lawyer said.

'The verdict is the biggest punishment already,' lawyer Martin Lee Chu-ming, senior counsel, said in mitigation to Magistrate Jason Wan Siu-ming yesterday.

'Even if you gave him no penalty, he would have suffered a great blow,' he said.

The magistrate acknowledged that Barrister Ma Ho Fai had a good background and profession, and agreed the conviction would be damaging.

Lawyer Ma Ho Fai had removed his name from the Bar List.

A notice of appeal was filed immediately after the verdict yesterday.

During the trial, Cheng Lai-chun, testified that she had spotted a man taking the bra from a neighbour's drying rack after seeing that her dog was watching something outside her window on May 3.

Cheng said she saw a man outside with his back to her holding a bag with one hand and appearing to put things in it with the other. Women's underwear was on the rack, she said.

The court heard that a wallet containing Ma's bank, credit, university access and Bar Association cards was found in a bin on the island on the day of the theft.

Cheng reported the case to police, and later identified Barrister Stanley Ma Fo Fai outside a restaurant near the island's pier.

Ma denied the allegations.

During the trial, Lee faulted the police for not holding a proper identification parade. They decided against doing so because they were unsure Cheng could identify him in a line-up, Lee said.

In giving his verdict yesterday, the magistrate said he found Cheng an honest and reliable witness, and rejected the suggestion of an intentional arrangement in the identification parade.

There was abundant evidence to convict Ma, he said.

Lee said during the trial that the prosecution had accused Ma of being a poor thief for leaving his wallet behind after stealing the bra.

However, the lack of an identification parade meant the possibility could not be ruled out that someone might have stolen Ma's wallet as well as the bra before dumping them in the bin.

The Bar Council of the Hong Kong Bar Association said it would not comment on the conviction of any individual barrister until it had fully considered the matter.