2014年3月10日 星期一


Deputy Special Magistrate HAU Cheuk-man Heavily Criticized by DHCJ Woo


狠批判決滿目瘡痍 官質疑下級法官水平



The Standard (Tuesday, March 11, 2014)
The High Court has set free a man convicted of careless driving after criticizing the magistrate (Deputy Special Magistrate HAU Cheuk-man) who found him guilty.
High Court judge Woo Kwok-hing said the ruling of the magistrate (Deputy Special Magistrate HAU Cheuk-man) was so poorly written it could weaken public confidence in the professional standards of judicial officers.
The driver, Baldwin Lam Pok-man, had been convicted in the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court of careless driving that caused an accident in Yau Ma Tei on October 2, 2012.
Lam was accused of making a sudden right turn and colliding with a vehicle on Bute Street near Canton Road. Lam appealed against the conviction.
In clearing Lam, Woo criticized Deputy Special Magistrate HAU Cheuk-man for basing his judgment on a video clip taken by a camera in Lam's vehicle.
Woo said the video showed only the moment of the crash and did not prove what Hau said was the closeness of the two vehicles before the accident.
Woo said Hau's judgment was riddled with holes and could weaken public confidence in judicial officers.
Deputy Special Magistrate HAU Cheuk-man was recently reappointed deputy special magistrate from October 2013 to April 2014.
Woo said the verdict would allow people to criticize judgments.
"It could cause citizens to reduce or even lose confidence in the professional standards and [working] attitude of judicial officers," Woo said.
"If [what was stated] in the judgment really was what the magistrate [Hau] meant, undoubtedly, the sentencing was not made on a sound basis."
Woo said Deputy Special Magistrate HAU Cheuk-man had wrongly deduced that since the collision occurred within two to three seconds of Lam making a right turn, the other vehicle must have been very close. Hau also said Lam did not pay attention to road conditions on his right when he was making the right turn.
Woo pointed out that the video clip did not show the exact location of the other vehicle before the collision. It is possible the other vehicle was traveling at high speed and consequently it could not be proved that Lam was driving carelessly.
"The judgment was not the result of a mistaken inference, but an inaccurate decision or understanding," Woo said. He cleared Lam of his conviction and said a retrial was unnecessary.

