2013年12月20日 星期五

陳家昇大律師 (Barrister Chan Ka Sing) 件案嘅上訴人律師費

陳家昇大律師 (Barrister Chan Ka Sing) 件案嘅上訴人律師費


陳家昇大律師 (Barrister Chan Ka Sing) 件案嘅上訴人律師費

九龍城法院暫委裁判官陳家昇 (Barrister Chan Ka Sing) 兩年前審理一宗警方反黑案時,出言「兇」一名對法庭不敬的被告人,陳官指自己做大狀時曾代表「龍頭阿哥」和「阿公」打官司,以警告被告不要囂張。此事成為案中被告上訴得直的其中一個理由,高院於半年前撤銷其中三人的定罪,案中另兩人用相同理據上訴,陳家昇這次先向高院「認衰」,高院昨再撤銷該兩人的定罪。


兩名上訴人於○九年在九龍城法院受審的第一日,裁判官陳家昇 (Counsel Chan Ka Sing) 看到有被告對法庭不敬,於是向一眾被告表示:「我都唔係第一次做黑社會,我亦都唔係第一次審黑社會,我做大律師嘅時候,我亦都代表過一啲龍頭阿哥,所謂個阿公,我都幫佢代表過,打過官司!」




兩名上訴人得悉高院當時的判決後,也用相同理由上訴,陳家昇 (Lawyer Chan Ka Sing) 看過高院今年四月的判決書後,也同意應判兩名上訴人上訴得直。但控方反駁指,區院沒有否定臥底的誠信,只是質疑其證供不可靠,但臥底針對兩名上訴人的證供是可靠的,單憑陳家昇曾出言「兇」被告,不足以推翻原判。


案件編號:HCMA 129/2011

既然係陳家昇大律師 (Barrister Chan Ka Sing) 衰多口講錯野,跟住被告上訴成功,上訴人有無得攞番用左嘅律師費?

1 則留言:

  1. 陳家昇大律師失德行為罪成被停牌 - Hong Kong Lawyer Counsel Barrister Chan Ka Sing Guilty of Misconduct and Suspended by the Barristers’ Disciplinary Tribunal

    Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal - Mr Chan Ka Sing

    By Statement of Findings dated 24 January 2019, the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal found two (2) complaints of misconduct against Mr Chan, Ka Sing to have been proved. By Order dated 24 January 2019 and Further Order dated 22 February 2019, the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal ordered that Mr Chan be suspended from practice as a barrister for six weeks for Complaint 1 with effect from 29 January 2019, and be censured for Complaint 2.


    On 12 November 2018, two Complaints were lodged with the Convenor of the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal (“the BDT”) against Mr. Chan Ka Sing (“Mr. Chan”) concerning his conduct when he was instructed to represent a defendant in High Court Criminal Case No. 145 of 2014 (“the Criminal Case”).

    The Complaints are, in summary, as follows:

    (i) Complaint 1: Mr. Chan failed his duty as a practising barrister to be competent in all his professional activities when representing the defendant in the Criminal Case in mitigation.

    (ii) Complaint 2: Mr. Chan took instructions from the defendant prior to the hearing of the Criminal Case without the presence of the person instructing him or his representatives.

    Hong Kong Lawyer Counsel Barrister Mr Chan Ka Sing (陳家昇大律師) admitted to the Complaints in the BDT proceedings.

    By a Statement of Findings dated 24 January 2019, the BDT found Mr. Chan guilty of the two Complaints, and ordered that:

    (1) On Complaint 1: Mr. Chan be suspended from practice for a period of six weeks.
    (2) On Complaints 2: Mr. Chan be censured.
    (3) Mr. Chan is to pay the costs of and incidental to the proceedings of the BDT and the costs of any prior inquiry or investigations in relation to matters before the BDT, on an indemnity basis, to be taxed if not agreed.
    (4) The Statement of Findings and Orders by the BDT be published by way of a Bar Circular and by it being posted on the Bar Association’s website for the period of the suspension; and
    (5) The Statement of Findings and Orders by the BDT are to be sent to the Complainant and to the Director of Legal Aid.

    By Further Order dated 22 February 2019, the BDT ordered that the date of commencement of Mr. Chan’s suspension from practice is 29 January 2019.
